Lots of reference cards / cheatsheets / whatever

10 must-have Linux (and not only) cheat-sheets

Here is a site where the author has created several nice bash, perl and vim sheets, which all service console gurus might like: http://www.catonmat.net/projects/cheat-sheets

There are lots of these cheat sheets out there, especially for developers. Here are a couple of sites which list loads of them:

Via vmreference

And there are more cheat sheets in addedbytes.com (Subversion, regular expressions, microformats, web development, DBMS, even World of Warcraft! 😉 )

Update: I’ve found this post by Lorelle on WordPress that lists a lot of more of this resources.


  1. 1
    Cristian Says:

    Wow, they’re really nice. I’ve been browsing trough those websites and I found some interesting things for me.

    I wonder whether there’s a similar page in Spanish 😛

    Thank you for the recommendation.


  2. 2
    DaniFP Says:

    Yes, I’d like to see this in Spanish, but I haven’t found it yet 😕



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